The Witcher: Monster Slayer Is Shutting Down, CD Projekt Red Laying Off Staff

The Witcher: Monster Slayer Is Shutting Down, CD Projekt Red Laying Off Staff

Spokko and CD Projekt Red have announced that the augmented reality mobile game, The Witcher: Monster Slayer, will be shut down at the end of June and that some of its development team will be laid off. The game was first announced in August 2020 and was released in July 2021.

“Sadly, we have to announce that our journey with The Witcher: Monster Slayer is coming to an end. We will be shutting down the game on the 30th of June, 2023,” Spokko said in a statement on its website.

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“We are proud that we were able to create a location-based AR experience that captured what it was like to be a witcher in real life and gave the community a chance to battle Witcher-world monsters up close and in person,” Spokko said. “This is what made The Witcher: Monster Slayer such a unique experience in The Witcher franchise.”

Spokko also stated that part of Spokko staff is planning to roll over into CD Projekt Red and that they would be working on core development projects over there. Unfortunately, there will be some developers who will be let go from their positions.

The Witcher: Monster Slayer will be available through the App Store or Google Play Store until January 31, 2023, and no new content will be added to the game afterward. From that point on, in-app purchases using real money will also be disabled in the in-game shop. However, players will still be able to exchange in-game currencies for available items in the in-game store up until the game closes in June.

CD Projekt Red also recently announced it will be ending active development on The Witcher card-based game, Gwent, in 2024.

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