Monster Hunter Rise Passes 11 Million Sales, Capcom Still Growing

Monster Hunter Rise Passes 11 Million Sales, Capcom Still Growing

Capcom has posted its latest quarterly earnings, showing that Monster Hunter Rise is continuing to sell well.

The developer shared the news that Monster Hunter Rise has sold more than 11 million units sold worldwide, which it reported back in August, and the DLC expansion Sunbreak has now hit 4.4 million units sold, an increase of about 400,000 since the same month. Resident Evil 2 Remake is also confirmed to have sold more than 10 million units.

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Players also shouldn’t expect any new release prior to Resident Evil 4 Remake’s release in March next year, as that’s the big upcoming title for the developer.

Capcom did also report that it’s on track to achieve 10 consecutive years of operating income growth, but the latest quarter did report another decline, with net sales being down 29.9% year over year, and operating income down by 24.3% YoY.

The company recently showed off some Resident Evil 4 Remake gameplay as part of a more general Reident Evil showcase. GameSpot recently had the chance to go hands-on with the game in a Resident Evil 4 Remake preview, saying, “Resident Evil 4 Remake doesn’t feel like it’s aiming to revolutionize games the way the original did 17 years ago. Instead, Capcom is doubling down on what has made Resident Evil 4 timeless all these years later: its design, its tension, and, of course, Leon S. Kennedy. In doing so, its goal is to emphasize what remains great, while fine tuning it with everything the franchise has learned in its 26 years of existence.”

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