Mauga Hero Overview and Strategies for Overwatch 2

Mauga Hero Overview and Strategies for Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to Blizzard Entertainment’s popular team-based shooter, Overwatch. One of the new heroes joining the roster is Mauga, a tank hero from the Shimada Clan. He is a powerful and versatile hero who can be used in a variety of ways to help your team succeed. In this article, we will provide an overview of Mauga and some strategies for using him in Overwatch 2.

Mauga is a tank hero who is capable of absorbing a lot of damage and protecting his team. He has a unique ability called “Earthshatter” which allows him to create a shockwave that damages and knocks back enemies in its path. He also has a shield that can absorb damage and protect him and his allies from incoming attacks. His ultimate ability is called “Mountain Slam” which causes a massive explosion that damages and knocks back enemies in its radius.

Mauga is a great hero for players who want to play a defensive role on their team. His Earthshatter ability can be used to disrupt enemy formations and create space for his team to move in. His shield can be used to protect allies from incoming damage and his ultimate ability can be used to clear out large groups of enemies. He is also great at pushing objectives, as his Earthshatter ability can be used to knock enemies away from an objective and his shield can be used to protect allies while they capture it.

When using Mauga, it is important to remember that he is a tank hero and should be played as such. He is best used when he is in the front lines, absorbing damage and protecting his team. He should also be used to disrupt enemy formations and create space for his team to move in. It is also important to use his shield and ultimate ability at the right times, as they can be powerful tools when used correctly.

Overall, Mauga is a great tank hero for Overwatch 2. He has a unique set of abilities that can be used to disrupt enemy formations, protect allies, and push objectives. Players should take advantage of his abilities and use them to their fullest potential in order to help their team succeed.