Myst Studio Announces Riven Remake

Myst Studio Announces Riven Remake

Cyan, the beloved studio behind hit adventure games like Myst, has announced a total remake of Riven. The announcement came on the game’s 25th anniversary, because of course it did. The studio released a teaser trailer to accompany the news, along with a short FAQ that covers the basics of the project.

In the FAQ, Cyan explains that this Riven is currently in development, and that it is indeed a modern remake of the game, rather than a remaster. It also confirms that the game will be traversible in 3D space, rather than the point-and-click approach of the original. There’s no word on a possible release date, or even what platforms the game might come out for.

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Now Playing: Riven Announcement

As one of the best-selling PC titles of all time, Myst is certainly Cyan’s best-known game. However, 1997’s Riven, the sequel to Myst, is perhaps their most well-regarded project overall, as it garnered a significantly better critical response than the original game. Considering that Myst has been remade and remastered countless times over the years, it makes sense that Cyan (or some other studio) would eventually make a new version. Back in 2020, Cyan brought Myst to VR on the Oculus Quest.

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