Alan Wake 2 Remains On Schedule For 2023, As Remedy Provides Updates On Control Sequels"

Alan Wake 2 Remains On Schedule For 2023, As Remedy Provides Updates On Control Sequels”

As part of developer Remedy’s latest earnings briefing, the Finnish game studio confirmed that one of its most highly anticipated upcoming games, Alan Wake 2, remains on track for release in 2023. The developer also provided development updates on its four other games in development, including its Control sequels.

Plenty of games have been delayed in recent times for a variety of reasons, but we now know Alan Wake 2 is not among them, though the schedule could change in the future. In any event, Remedy also stated that Alan Wake 2 is now in the “full production stage.”

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“There is still a lot of work to be done, but the game is coming together on all fronts. User testing continues and the feedback from the user research has been encouraging,” Remedy said.

Alan Wake 2 is one of five games that Remedy is developing right now. The others include remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2 in partnership with Rockstar Games. Remedy said development on these collaboratively projects remains ongoing, with Remedy making use of “production and technology synergies” across its numerous in-development games.

The Control spinoff, Codename Condor, remains in the “proof-of-concept” stage, meanwhile. “We are giving the team time to work on a multitude of important game design elements and finalize the key pillars before moving the project to the next development phase,” Remedy said

Another new Control game, Codename Heron, is in the concept stage, Remedy said. “Based on the well-progressing early development, the team size has been gradually increased,” Remedy said, adding that this is a “bigger-budget” Control game.

The fifth new game in development at Remedy right now is a free-to-play co-op multiplayer game called Vanguard that the team is making in partnership with Tencent. Remedy said Vanguard is staying in the proof-of-concept phase and as such, the size of the development team isn’t going to expand until 2023.

“Vanguard will be an expansive service-based F2P game with a rich world and selected new elements, making it a game that stands out from other multiplayer games,” Remedy said. “We want to make sure all these elements merge together in the right way before we make final decisions on the plans for the next development phase in 2023. At the moment, many of the game’s designs are taking shape and the team is busy prototyping and testing these.”

For more, check out Remedy’s full earnings briefing.

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