Bethesda's Starfield: From Almost Not Happening to Their First Space-Themed Game

Bethesda’s Starfield: From Almost Not Happening to Their First Space-Themed Game

The video game industry has been abuzz with news of Bethesda’s upcoming game, Starfield. After years of speculation, Bethesda finally confirmed the game’s existence at E3 2018. Starfield is set to be Bethesda’s first foray into the space-themed genre and is highly anticipated by gamers around the world.

Starfield has been in development for a long time, with rumors of its existence going back as far as 2013. However, it wasn’t until 2018 that Bethesda officially announced the game. Initially, there was some doubt as to whether the game would ever see the light of day. Bethesda had previously stated that they wanted to focus on developing games for their existing franchises, such as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

However, the success of games like No Man’s Sky and Mass Effect Andromeda showed that there was a market for space-themed games. This gave Bethesda the confidence to move forward with Starfield. The game is set to be a single-player, open-world experience that will take place in an entirely new universe.

The game will feature a variety of planets and moons to explore, as well as a variety of alien species. Players will be able to customize their character and choose from a variety of weapons and equipment. The game will also feature an in-depth crafting system, allowing players to create their own items and weapons.

Starfield is set to be a groundbreaking game for Bethesda. It will be their first foray into the space-themed genre and is sure to be a hit with gamers. It is set to be released sometime in 2020, so gamers don’t have much longer to wait before they can explore the universe of Starfield.