Building Outposts in Starfield: A Guide to Where, How, and Why

Building Outposts in Starfield: A Guide to Where, How, and Why

Building outposts in the space exploration game Starfield is an exciting way to expand your reach and explore the universe. Outposts are permanent structures that can be built on planets, moons, and asteroids, and they provide a variety of benefits. This guide will explain where, how, and why you should build outposts in Starfield.

Where to Build Outposts

The first step to building outposts is deciding where to build them. You can build outposts on planets, moons, and asteroids, but some locations are better than others. Planets are the most desirable locations because they provide the most resources and are the most stable. Moons and asteroids are also viable locations, but they are more difficult to build on and have fewer resources.

How to Build Outposts

Once you’ve chosen a location for your outpost, it’s time to start building. The process of building an outpost is relatively simple. First, you must gather the necessary resources. This includes materials like metal, glass, and fuel. Then, you must construct the outpost using these materials. Finally, you can customize the outpost with a variety of modules and upgrades.

Why Build Outposts

Now that you know where and how to build outposts, you may be wondering why you should bother. The answer is simple: outposts provide a variety of benefits. Outposts allow you to explore further, as they provide a safe place to rest and refuel. They also provide access to resources like fuel and minerals, which can be used to upgrade your ship or construct new ships. Finally, outposts provide a place to store items and equipment that you don’t want to carry around with you.

Building outposts in Starfield is a great way to expand your reach and explore the universe. Outposts provide a variety of benefits, including access to resources and a safe place to rest and refuel. This guide has explained where, how, and why you should build outposts in Starfield. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to build outposts and explore the universe like never before!