Disney Claims Indiana Jones Game Omitting PlayStation Not "Excessively Exclusionary"

Disney Claims Indiana Jones Game Omitting PlayStation Not “Excessively Exclusionary”

Recently, Disney Interactive Studios announced that their upcoming Indiana Jones game, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, will be available on the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, and Nintendo DS platforms, but not on the PlayStation. This decision has caused some controversy among gamers, who have accused Disney of being “excessively exclusionary” in their choice of platforms.

However, Disney has defended their decision, claiming that it was not made out of any desire to be exclusionary. According to a statement released by the company, the decision was based on the fact that the PlayStation platform does not support the game’s motion-sensing technology, which is an integral part of the game’s design. As such, Disney claims that it would have been impossible to create a version of the game for the PlayStation that would have been as enjoyable as the versions available for other platforms.

Furthermore, Disney has also pointed out that they have taken steps to ensure that gamers who own a PlayStation will still be able to experience the game. The company has announced that they will be releasing a special “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings” PlayStation 2 bundle, which will include both the game and a PlayStation 2 console. This bundle will be available at a discounted price, making it more affordable for those who do not already own a PlayStation.

In conclusion, while some gamers may be disappointed that the game will not be available on the PlayStation platform, Disney has made it clear that their decision was not made out of any desire to be exclusionary. Furthermore, they have taken steps to ensure that even those who do not own a PlayStation will still be able to experience the game.