Hearthstone Expansion "Titans" Introduces Warcraft's Gods as Playable Cards

Hearthstone Expansion “Titans” Introduces Warcraft’s Gods as Playable Cards

The latest expansion for the popular digital card game Hearthstone, Titans, has been released and it is introducing some of Warcraft’s most powerful gods as playable cards. This expansion is sure to excite Hearthstone fans, as it brings some of the most iconic characters from the Warcraft universe into the game.

Titans is the first expansion to feature gods from the Warcraft universe as playable cards. The gods featured in this expansion are C’Thun, Yogg-Saron, N’Zoth, and Y’Shaarj. Each of these gods has their own unique abilities and effects that can be used to great effect in the game.

Players can use these gods to create powerful decks that can take on any challenge. C’Thun has the ability to summon a powerful minion that can be used to overwhelm your opponent. Yogg-Saron has a powerful spell that can be used to draw cards from your deck. N’Zoth can be used to resurrect powerful minions from your graveyard. Finally, Y’Shaarj can be used to draw cards from your deck and put them directly into play.

In addition to the gods, Titans also introduces a new type of card called “Primal” cards. These cards are powerful spells that can be used to great effect in any deck. They are also unique in that they can only be used once per game.

Overall, Titans is sure to be a great expansion for Hearthstone players. It introduces some of the most iconic characters from the Warcraft universe as playable cards, as well as powerful new spells that can be used to great effect in any deck. If you’re a fan of Hearthstone, then Titans is definitely worth checking out.