Mauga Rebalancing to Take Place Before Overwatch 2 Season 8 Launch After Being "Felt Pretty Weak" During Free Trial

Mauga Rebalancing to Take Place Before Overwatch 2 Season 8 Launch After Being “Felt Pretty Weak” During Free Trial

The upcoming Overwatch 2 Season 8 is set to be an exciting one, with the introduction of a new hero, new maps, and a variety of other changes. However, before the season launches, Blizzard has announced that they will be performing a rebalancing of the game’s characters, known as “Mauga Rebalancing.” This is in response to feedback from players who felt that some characters were too strong during the free trial period.

The rebalancing will affect all characters in the game, with some receiving buffs and others receiving nerfs. The goal is to create a more balanced playing field for all players. To achieve this, Blizzard is making changes to character abilities, health pools, damage output, and other stats.

In addition to the rebalancing, Blizzard is also introducing a new matchmaking system that will take into account a player’s skill level when matching them with opponents. This should help ensure that players are matched with opponents of similar skill levels, which should lead to more balanced and enjoyable matches.

Overall, the Mauga Rebalancing should help make Overwatch 2 Season 8 a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all players. It should also help ensure that no one character is too powerful or too weak, and that all players have an equal chance of success. With these changes in place, Overwatch 2 Season 8 should be an exciting season for all players.