Sarah Bond of Xbox Talks About Experiencing E3 and Dealing With Online Harassment

Sarah Bond of Xbox Talks About Experiencing E3 and Dealing With Online Harassment

Sarah Bond, the Head of Xbox Partnerships at Microsoft, recently spoke about her experience at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and how she deals with online harassment. Bond has been in the gaming industry for over a decade and has seen the industry grow and evolve.

At E3, Bond was able to meet with developers, publishers, and other industry professionals. She was also able to witness the latest gaming technology and new game announcements. Bond believes that E3 is an important event for the gaming industry, as it allows for collaboration and networking opportunities.

Bond also discussed how she deals with online harassment. She believes that it is important to not let online trolls get to you. She encourages people to take a step back and not engage with them. She also believes that it is important to speak up when you see someone else being harassed online.

Bond believes that the gaming industry is a great place to be and that it is important to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. She encourages people to be respectful of each other and to not be afraid to speak up if they see something wrong.

Overall, Sarah Bond’s experience at E3 and her advice on how to deal with online harassment are invaluable. Her words of wisdom will help the gaming industry become a more welcoming and safe place for everyone.